
In order for our approach to work, we must build a culture with clear expectations. These clear expectations will ensure that the experience is both memorable, enjoyable and has a lasting positive impact. The following are some examples of the expectations for our group coming in:


  • Be on the ice on time.
  • Be ready to go on the ice 10 minutes before your ice-session.
  • If you are running late or will be absent, a coach must be notified.
  • If tardiness is an on-going issue, players will sit.

Academic Standards

  • School comes first every time. Academic and athletic success are linked. With parental approval we will track the players academic performance.


  • There is no tolerance for anti-social behaviour. Disrespect or bullying directed toward teammates, coaches, parents or other staff will be met with a significant response up to and including suspension and/or dismissal from the program.

Comportment at the Arena and in Locker Rooms

  • Only coaches and staff in the locker room.
  • Players carry their own bags and tape their own sticks.
  • No usage of electronic devices.
  • Leave locker rooms cleaner than how they were found.
  • Bags with wheels are not allowed and are to be phased out for those that already have them.
  • Players arrive for ice sessions in team tracksuit with running shoes.
  • Players are to comport themselves in a way the reflects positively on the team and their peers.


Eating well is key to success as an athlete and as a student. Coaches will throw away any unhealthy snacks/drinks. Players seeking guidance on proper nutrition are welcome to speak with the coaching staff.

Training Session Expectations

On ice sessions are to be fun and challenging. However, keep in mind the following:

  • Players will be asked to do things outside their comfort zone. They must be prepared to be committed to the process and continue to work hard, stay focused and not get frustrated. They must remain coachable.
  • On ice misbehavior will result in removal from the ice.
  • Coaches will coach the players firmly but fairly.
  • If parents are coaching from the stands, your player will join you in the stands so you can be clearly understood.

10 Things That Require No Skill or Talent

  • Being on Time
  • Work Ethic
  • Effort
  • Body Language
  • Energy
  • Attitude
  • Passion
  • Coachability
  • Doing Extra Work
  • Being Prepared and Ready

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